アウトドアスプレー / MOS GUARD
CJ 0007



Moss Guard is uses Hiba essential oil and made from natural ingredients, which has a high insect repellent effect, making it gentle on the skin. It is an alcohol-free spray that also contains moisturizing ingredients.

使用方法 : 外出前や外出先で体に直接スプレーしてください。カーテンや網戸、衣類などにスプレーするのも効果的です。 犬の身体にご使用の際は、顔周辺は避け、体全体にスプレーしてください。

使用上の注意: お肌に異常が生じていないかよく注意して使用してください。お肌に合わないときは、ご使用をおやめください。ご使用が不安な場合は、専門医等にご相談されることをおすすめします。目に入らないように注意してご使用ください。目に入った時は直ちに洗い流してください。天然成分配合のため稀に変色することがありますが、品質には問題ありません。乳幼児の手の届かない所に保管してください。極端に高温又は低温の場所、直射日光のあたる場所には保管しないでくださ
い。開封後は6 か月以内にご使用ください。


Moss Guard is uses Hiba essential oil and made from natural ingredients, which has a high insect repellent effect, making it gentle on the skin. It is an alcohol-free spray that also contains moisturizing ingredients.

This mosquito repellent spray ‘ MOS GUARD’ is crafted from natural essential oil extracted from the scrapwood of Aomori Hiba through steam distillation. Rich in hinokitiol and β-dolabrin Aomori Hiba essential oil has insect repellent and deodorizingproperties. It is alcohol-free and spreads the refreshing scent of Aomori Hiba. Spray directly onto your skin when outdoors.

How to use:
・ Spray directly onto the body before or when going out.
・ It is also effective to spray onto curtains, screens, clothing, etc.
・ When using on a dog's body, spray onto the entire body, avoiding the face area.

Precautions for use: Pay close attention to any abnormalities on the skin before use. Discontinue use if the product does not suit your skin. If you are unsure about use, we recommend consulting a medical specialist. Be careful not to get the product in your eyes. If the product does get in your eyes, rinse immediately. As the product contains natural ingredients, discoloration may occur in rare cases, but this does not affect the quality of the product. Keep out of reach of infants and young children. Do not store in extremely hot or cold places or in direct sunlight. Use within 6 months after opening.

Contents: 80ml
Ingredients: Water, glycerin, polysorbate 80, Hiba wood oil